Precision Hydration Sweat Testing

be precise, recover better, go faster

A Precision Hydration sweat test is a diagnostic tool used to assess an individual's sweat composition and hydration needs during exercise or physical activity. The test measures how much sodium (milligrams per liter) a person loses in their sweat. Knowing this enables an athlete to optimize their fluid and sodium intake to enhance performance and prevent dehydration during training and racing.

The sweat test takes about 45 minutes and all you have to do is sit comfortably while we discuss your background and training and racing goals. We then leverage the results of the sweat test to establish a personalized fueling and hydration strategy.

The test is simple, painless, and extremely accurate, leveraging the same gold-standard test used by medical practitioners diagnosing Cystic Fibrosis.

How does the sweat test work?

Sweat Collection: Sit comfortably in normal clothes while we collect a sample of sweat form your forearm.

Analysis: We analyze the sweat sample to determine the concentration of sodium in the sweat.

Individualized Recommendations: Based on the sweat test results, a personalized hydration plan is developed. This plan includes recommendations on how much fluid and electrolytes (e.g., sodium) you should consume before, during, and after exercise to maintain proper hydration and electrolyte balance.

Why is a Precision Hydration sweat test valuable?

Personalization: Everyone's sweat composition is different, and the rate at which athletes lose sodium varies person to person. A sweat test helps customize hydration plans to meet an individual's specific needs, preventing underhydration or overhydration.

Performance Optimization: Proper hydration and sodium balance are critical for athletic performance. By fine-tuning fluid and electrolyte intake based on sweat test results, athletes can improve their endurance, strength, and overall performance.

Minimizing Health Risks: Dehydration can lead to various health issues, such as heat-related illnesses, cramps, and decreased exercise efficiency. Overhydration (hyponatremia) can also pose health risks. A sweat test helps individuals avoid these extremes by providing tailored recommendations.

Enhanced Recovery: Proper hydration can aid in post-exercise recovery by replacing lost fluids and electrolytes, reducing the risk of muscle cramps and fatigue.

After you purchase the service, select an appointment time here

Test center is located at 3228 Clarksville Pike, Suite 101, Nashville, TN 37218

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